Welcome back! It's been a bit of time since the last parts of this series, thanks for hanging in there!
Once you have a good grasp on where to get coupons and how to use them, you can start noticing sales and start getting freebies. My best advice is to start paying attention to prices you pay for certain items, as well as how often you see sales. Some people have notebooks which they write down prices, but I just do a quick mental note. For example, I know that grocery stores have sales on toothpaste for $1.00 (usually Colgate) and there are always $1.00 off coupons. When this sale happens, I use up all of my coupons and build a stockpile of toothpaste. Other items that are frequently free or less than $1 are: razors, toothbrushes, floss, cleaning supplies, fabric softener, baby wipes, shampoo/hair products (usually Aussie, Garnier or Pantene) and most food products. Unfortunately, sales and prices always vary by region or store, but in every area there are deals to be found. Usually when there is a great coupon coming out or a free item with sale going on, the message boards will be going crazy about the deals. This is why I love A Full Cup! Less work for me!
Another way to get freebies is to email companies. Ricky always makes fun of me because the minute I complain/compliment something, he knows I'm planning a letter. I write letters for everything, but I am never annoying or mean in them. It only takes a minute to look up the company and send an email. I have gotten great coupons sent to me, including free diapers, free dinners at restaurants and food products.
Final way to get freebies: sign up for store mailers. Kohls & JcPenney both recently had $10/$10+ coupons sent through the mail and I was able to stock up on some baby clothes for the little lady due in June. When you get these coupons, you can easily find something in store for less than $10. I also subscribe to texts for every store I love, but I will admit they get annoying. Make sure you have unlimited texts if you do this!!
My goal for my Twitter account will be to fill you in on any super great deals. Like I've said before, I am not a blogger who tells EVERY deal that is going on. There are plenty of other people out there doing that for us! (Check out my blogroll to the left). Anything special that catches my eye, I'll give you a heads up! Follow me: beincheapiseasy.
Here's the rest of the series, just in case you've missed out:
1: Where to find coupons
2: Doubling & stacking coupons
How do you get freebies? Let me know!
You do make being cheap sound easy. Sadly, I'm still to lazy and unorganized to use coupons or writer letters. Maybe one day. Maybe!
Hopefully I can convince you! I don't quite agree with the "extreme couponers", but it really is worth it! I don't know where I got the coupon bug from...I've been doing it since I was little, even when my Mom wasn't. I'm just a freak of nature :) Thanks for reading!
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