Being Cheap is Easy: Calling all bookworms!

Calling all bookworms!

March 31, 2011

Barnes and Noble NOOK eBook Reader (WiFi only) [ Black & White ]When Oprah was raving about the Kindle a few years back (was it really that long ago?!), I thought "eh" about e-readers.  I love going to used bookstores and having an actual book in hand while reading.  I still do, but since we've moved I no longer have my beloved Half Price Books to shop at.  For Christmas, Ricky got me a Nook reader (the Barnes & Noble edition of a Kindle) and I was super excited, but I really had no idea its potential.  Why is the Nook (in my opinion) better?  You can download books for FREE from the library!  How awesome is that?  All you need is a library card!  I've just saved my card number on a computer post-it so I'm not always digging around for my card.  Here's the link to the local Michigan site, but just Swagbucks your area and I am sure you'll find a similar program.  Since I frequent the library more than the grocery store lately (the little ladies and I still love books!), I found out about this great program.  Sometimes there is a waiting list for a certain title, but for the most part you can always have a new book to read.  The selection is a bit lacking sometimes, but for new releases and popular titles I am pretty impressed.  Since the program is still relatively new, I'm sure it will only get better in the future.

Speaking of my local library, KDL, I really forgot how much you can save by going to a library.  Back in the day, there were a few dusty VHS tapes in the kids section, but never anything new.  Now you can not only check out new releases on DVDs, but also popular Wii games and CDs.  I love Netflix, but you can't rent any Wii games from them, plus you get to play them for 3 weeks!  I just search and put holds for anything I have been wanting to see or play.  So simple.  It was funny because the first time I went to the library here I was so confused.  Besides college libraries, I really never went to any of the local libraries in Madison.  I went to check out my books at the counter and the man just stared at me like "yes, can I help you?".  I had no idea that I had to check out my books myself.  How nice!  I tried to play it off, but when the security gate beeped at the exit, the librarian told me if I needed help next time to ask.

Main point of my rambling?  Don't forget how awesome your library can be!  And...if you are in the market for an e-reader, check out the Nook.

The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance: A Memoir
Dont let the title fool you, its a great book!  I recently finished this and it was super funny and interesting to read!  Check it out!  I love quick, easy reads after a busy day.
Anyone else have a Nook?  We can share books!  Also, I am always looking for any good reads!  Let me know what you've read lately! 

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