Being Cheap is Easy: Personal update: Welcome to the terrible twos!

Personal update: Welcome to the terrible twos!

March 25, 2011

Someone found a permanent marker to "play with".  FYI, most online tips about removing ink are false!

Just a warning, it is going to be a bit quiet around here for a week or so.  If only our apartment had more quiet moments! To get ready for the baby, we got toddler beds for the twins.  I know it is a necessary change, but those poor girls have so much going on right now: no more bottles, potty training, a new baby on-the-way and now new beds!  A week later, we are doing a little better, but bedtime is a battle.  Plus, Olivia likes to get up at 3:30am and walk around the apartment.  Two nights ago,she was in our bathroom (in the dark) in my makeup container putting on blush.  Welcome to the twos.  I wouldn't call them too terrible, since they are pretty good natured girls and they make me laugh all day long, but we definitely have our moments.

That being said, I am a busy Mama lately!  Plus, I have been trying to teach myself about blog designing before I shell out any money to have someone else do it for me.  If you are an expert on this topic (or know someone who is!), feel free to help me out!  I have been reading every book I can find at the library and I can proudly say I'm no longer a blogging novice...I would call my knowledge less "dummy" and more "moderate expert".  Woohoo!  Where do I find the time to read?  When I'm trying to get the girls down for a nap/bedtime!  I sit on the rocker for an hour (more or less) while the girls test every ounce of my patience and sanity and watch the girls like a hawk until they finally fall asleep.

With this new knowledge, I am going to spruce up the blog a bit.  I have already bought my own domain name (marked down, of course...) and soon will be born!   This is super exciting for me, although getting to the point of an actual launch is super stressful.  Learning all of this new terminology hurts my brain!

Bloggers and friends: Anyone have any design tips or websites that they live by?  Every ounce of help is much appreciated!


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