Where to find coupons
- Sunday paper. Most Dollar Tree stores sell Sunday papers for $1. For some reason, this isn't the case in the Grand Rapids area. I was a very sad lady when I found this out after the move.
- I get anywhere from 3-6 papers a week, depending on the coupons. I usually recommend the number of people in your household. Why so many? Great for stockpiling and getting freebies with sales
- Online. I set my printer to do "print preview" so I can see what is being printed and it helps to save ink if you stop after the coupon is printed (a lot of coupons have large, ink absorbing images after the coupon). Here are my favorite sites to find coupons:
- Coupons.com
- Smartsource.com
- Redplum.com
- Target.com This is the main source to get Target coupons, as well as manufacturer. I'll explain the significance of store coupons later.
- Facebook. I can't think of a brand which isn't on Facebook now. If you "like" the brand, there are usually great coupons available. I am still not sure if I like the way brands are taking over my favorite social network, but I can't complain about the coupons. Tip: un "like" after you print the coupon to avoid annoying updates.
- Mail. Pretty much every brand has a mailing list. I am a geek who LOVES mail, so I sign up for everything that I love. Here are some great mailers to be on:
- Vocalpoint They have "try-and-tells" which they send out free and high value coupons every month or so.
- P&G Brand Saver. They dont have printable coupons available for any of their brands, so they mail out brand savers, which you sign up for the samples/coupons you want. They also have a big coupon booklet the first Sunday of each month in the paper.
- Kraft First Taste. I love this because you get samples & coupons for new craft products.
That is all for now! Next time: How to double up coupons for bigger savings.
As always, send any questions my way at : beingcheapiseasy@gmail.com or comment on this post! If you are new here, don't forget to sign up for emails!
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