Being Cheap is Easy: 01/01/2011 - 02/01/2011

Daily Deals + Swagbucks!

January 28, 2011

I love the daily deal websites: Groupon and Living Social especially.  If you aren't familiar with this concept, each day there is a local deal which is offered for a fraction of the price (usually over 50% off!).  Not only are there local deals, there are national deals and for online retailers as well.  I love the variety of deals available.  One day it will be for a restaurant, the next for rock climbing or a salon.  These are great for presents too.  If you are a frequent buyer of these daily deals, you MUST go through your Swagbucks!  Each deal is worth 280 points!  By the time you purchase two deals, you have enough points for a $5 Amazon gift card. 

This week I bought myself a birthday gift of Groupon at an Aveda salon.  Since it was so much cheaper, I can get not only a haircut (much needed, I have to add....) but a pedicure too.  I need to get it while I can still see my feet...I am almost 19 weeks pregnant, if you did not know.

Check it out!

Birthday Goodies!

January 08, 2011

For a girl who loves freebies and being cheap, my birthday month is super exiting for me.  Everyday when I check my email, I get so many fun surprises.  Gift certificates, free food, free products, etc.  I was reading another blog and she suggested going to each place and getting all of the freebies at once.  I never realized I could get my free meal or dessert To-Go!  I don't know how this is really going to work, but I am making a list of great deals so far and I will plan a special day to go get my freebies.  More information to be continued.  My favorites so far?  A free $10 gift certificate to World Market and a free meal AND dessert at Quaker Steak.  It was so funny when Extreme Couponing was airing the past week, I got about 10 texts from friends who thought of me while watching it.  If you missed it, dont worry!  It will be a new show on TLC in the spring.  Basically, they showed the extreme cases of people who use coupons and save crazy amounts of money.  Who really needs that much pasta?!  I think people should use savings to benefit themselves, but just in the present and near future...not 3 years of products! 

If you know of any great local freebies I may not know about, let me know!  I have signed up for pretty much every restaraunt and store I frequent.

Have a great weekend and stay warm!


Happy New Year!

January 03, 2011

Hello again! 

I guess I took an unintentional break during the holiday season.  I'm not sure if it was because I had nothing new and exciting to share, or if I just needed a breather.  Regardless, I'm back!  I had a wonderful holiday season and now we are heading into birthday months.  I have 15 birthdays within a 6 week span between friends and family.  Its crazy!  My birthday is coming up in about 2 weeks and I will be 27! I know that is not old at all, it just feels like time is flying by!  I am still in the process of figuring out where I want to go with this blog and what I would like to include.  I love adding random recipes throughout the month and other things that might not be under the category of "being cheap". Thank you for bearing with me, it has been almost a year!  I always love suggestions and comments, I appreciate every one of my readers!

I promise I will be up and blogging this week!

Happy 2011!