Being Cheap is Easy: 03/01/2011 - 04/01/2011

Calling all bookworms!

March 31, 2011

Barnes and Noble NOOK eBook Reader (WiFi only) [ Black & White ]When Oprah was raving about the Kindle a few years back (was it really that long ago?!), I thought "eh" about e-readers.  I love going to used bookstores and having an actual book in hand while reading.  I still do, but since we've moved I no longer have my beloved Half Price Books to shop at.  For Christmas, Ricky got me a Nook reader (the Barnes & Noble edition of a Kindle) and I was super excited, but I really had no idea its potential.  Why is the Nook (in my opinion) better?  You can download books for FREE from the library!  How awesome is that?  All you need is a library card!  I've just saved my card number on a computer post-it so I'm not always digging around for my card.  Here's the link to the local Michigan site, but just Swagbucks your area and I am sure you'll find a similar program.  Since I frequent the library more than the grocery store lately (the little ladies and I still love books!), I found out about this great program.  Sometimes there is a waiting list for a certain title, but for the most part you can always have a new book to read.  The selection is a bit lacking sometimes, but for new releases and popular titles I am pretty impressed.  Since the program is still relatively new, I'm sure it will only get better in the future.

Speaking of my local library, KDL, I really forgot how much you can save by going to a library.  Back in the day, there were a few dusty VHS tapes in the kids section, but never anything new.  Now you can not only check out new releases on DVDs, but also popular Wii games and CDs.  I love Netflix, but you can't rent any Wii games from them, plus you get to play them for 3 weeks!  I just search and put holds for anything I have been wanting to see or play.  So simple.  It was funny because the first time I went to the library here I was so confused.  Besides college libraries, I really never went to any of the local libraries in Madison.  I went to check out my books at the counter and the man just stared at me like "yes, can I help you?".  I had no idea that I had to check out my books myself.  How nice!  I tried to play it off, but when the security gate beeped at the exit, the librarian told me if I needed help next time to ask.

Main point of my rambling?  Don't forget how awesome your library can be!  And...if you are in the market for an e-reader, check out the Nook.

The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance: A Memoir
Dont let the title fool you, its a great book!  I recently finished this and it was super funny and interesting to read!  Check it out!  I love quick, easy reads after a busy day.
Anyone else have a Nook?  We can share books!  Also, I am always looking for any good reads!  Let me know what you've read lately! 

I'm doing the happy dance!

March 30, 2011

If you look up, you will see I am on my own domain now!  After days of frustration and almost throwing my laptop across the room, I've figured out how publish my blog on this domain.  Baby steps, I guess.  Still on blogger, but I have bought   I was expecting to have to pay a ton for a domain name, but (of course) with my discount code it was less than $5.  Go me!  Not too much is different, but I feel like such a pro now.  (It doesnt take much to excite me, huh?).   Here's what else is updated now:
  • The pretty layout!  Still not as personal as I want, but adorable until I figure out how to make my own (hellllllp!)
  • Blogroll:  see which blogs I read and love
  • Contact info
There will be many changes as I figure everything out.  If anyone has any tips or recommendations for me, please shoot me an email!

O + M trying to be like their Mama
*Note* It has come to my attention that this site has a few issues loading...just hit refresh.  Sorry!  I need a little "under construction" picture.

Coastal Contacts: Hellllo cute new glasses!

March 29, 2011

Although I'm pretty thrifty, I thought that getting free glasses was just too good to be true.  I kept seeing on blogs people talking about free glasses being given away from Coastal Contacts and I figured they would be cheap, ugly frames.  Think again!  A month or so ago they had an offer for free glasses to Michigan residents and I ordered some.  You do have to pay about $10 for shipping, but that is all!  I got them in 5 days and I looove them!  Here are the ones I chose (see photo below)  My new glasses

Wow, I really need to put on some makeup sometimes!  I love my glasses though!
 On March 31st, they are giving away 10,000 more pairs of free glasses.  How do you get in on this deal?  Simply "like" them on Facebook for the code and pick out a pair on their website.  There is a huge selection to chose from!!  Make sure you have a valid prescription from your doctor first!  If you miss out on this offer, I am sure they will have another freebie within a month.

Some tips:
  • Search by the size of your current favorite frames.  The info is located on the side of your glasses.  This helped me so much so I didn't look at frames that would be too small or big.
  • Consider upgrading your frames to scratch or glare resistant.  Although they wouldn't be free anymore, the $15 or so is still a great deal!
  • Try something new out!  If you hate them, at least you didn't waste a ton of money!
Here is my personal referral link.  You don't have to use it, but if you do I get a little something!  *hint hint*.  I wasnt paid for this post though!  

Have you ordered from Coastal Contacts?  I would love to hear your input!

Mmmm Mondays: Grill "Paninis"

Okay, so it's more like "Mmmm Tuesday" right now.  I kind of lost track of my days, as usual!

This might be a total no brainer for everyone else, but for some reason I had a huge "a-ha!" moment last week.  Since we live in an apartment, our kitchen is suuuper small.  We have a lot of appliances as is, so a panini press is not really a reasonable purchase, even though I love pressed sammies.  Until recently, I used a smaller pan on top with heavy cans to "press" my sandwiches.  It worked, but it was a huge hassle.  Then I had my "a-ha" moment: use the Forman grill!  It works perfectly to press and make the bread crunchy.  Does anyone else do this? 

Okay, so I won't win the award for Best Foodie Photographer...I'm trying!

The first I made was a Chicken Avocado Sandwich.

  • Grilled Chicken tenders- put grill seasoning or Mrs.Dash- I like the Fiesta Lime for this one
  • Provalone Cheese
  • Spinach & whatever veggies you like
  • Avocado slices
  • Spicy ranch or mayo- try the Southwest ranch dip you find in produce section.  So good!
  • Sandwich roll or hamburger bun. 
Put it all together and press.  No need to butter the bun!  This sandwich was so good, Ricky asked for another one the next day!

Other good combinations:
  1. Tuna melt
  2. Chicken w/ Italian seasoning, basil, tomato and mozzarella
  3. Turkey Reuben: cole slaw, turkey, swiss and Thousand Island

Be creative!  Try this out and tell me what you think! What good combinations can you think of?

Personal update: Welcome to the terrible twos!

March 25, 2011

Someone found a permanent marker to "play with".  FYI, most online tips about removing ink are false!

Just a warning, it is going to be a bit quiet around here for a week or so.  If only our apartment had more quiet moments! To get ready for the baby, we got toddler beds for the twins.  I know it is a necessary change, but those poor girls have so much going on right now: no more bottles, potty training, a new baby on-the-way and now new beds!  A week later, we are doing a little better, but bedtime is a battle.  Plus, Olivia likes to get up at 3:30am and walk around the apartment.  Two nights ago,she was in our bathroom (in the dark) in my makeup container putting on blush.  Welcome to the twos.  I wouldn't call them too terrible, since they are pretty good natured girls and they make me laugh all day long, but we definitely have our moments.

That being said, I am a busy Mama lately!  Plus, I have been trying to teach myself about blog designing before I shell out any money to have someone else do it for me.  If you are an expert on this topic (or know someone who is!), feel free to help me out!  I have been reading every book I can find at the library and I can proudly say I'm no longer a blogging novice...I would call my knowledge less "dummy" and more "moderate expert".  Woohoo!  Where do I find the time to read?  When I'm trying to get the girls down for a nap/bedtime!  I sit on the rocker for an hour (more or less) while the girls test every ounce of my patience and sanity and watch the girls like a hawk until they finally fall asleep.

With this new knowledge, I am going to spruce up the blog a bit.  I have already bought my own domain name (marked down, of course...) and soon will be born!   This is super exciting for me, although getting to the point of an actual launch is super stressful.  Learning all of this new terminology hurts my brain!

Bloggers and friends: Anyone have any design tips or websites that they live by?  Every ounce of help is much appreciated!


Mmmmm Mondays: Naan pizza

March 21, 2011

Its Monday!  That means its time for a new recipe!

I always find Naan in the discount section of the bakery.  Even if it is not discounted, its still usually under $2 for two slices. Its a flatbread which can be used in many ways.  I love to heat it up and dip it in hummus, or soup.  It freezes great for up to 3 months.  My new favorite quick recipe is for pizza!  It turns out super crisp and its ready in less than 20 minutes.  Also, you can put whatever toppings you want since they are almost individual sized.  This variation is the girls favorite.

Pepperoni & Basil Naan Pizza

I don't really have a recipe, since I just throw whatever is available on the crust at the time.  This variation includes:
  • Philadelphia Cooking Creme in Italian Herb (there are coupons everywhere for this, I had to try it)
  • Mozzarella Cheese
  • Basil
  • Pepperoni
The cooking creme replaces a red sauce, but that is great also.  Just be creative!  This same pizza with tomato instead of pepperoni is amazing too.

Im on Twitter...again.

March 18, 2011

As much as I have tried to avoid it, I'm back on Twitter!  This page is specifically for my blog.  You can follow me at:

Whats the point?  I will update with any great deals I find that I may not post on a blog.  Also (fingers crossed), it will be a way to do giveaways.  I promise I am working on many, many new ideas...including setting up some fun contests.  I have been doing some research and I am trying to spruce up my blog a bit.  In the next few weeks you may notice a few design changes until I figure out what I like best.  

Here's where YOU can help: 
  1. Feedback.  If you have learned anything new or have any questions, ask!  Comments are always great.  They make me smile, isn't that enough incentive?!  Plus I would love emails with suggestions or feedback, both positive and negative.
  2. VOTE for me for the blogging grant... click here.  Winning this would mean the world to me and it will do wonders for this blog!
Thank you for all of your support!  I am up to about 250 readers, somehow!  That may not seem like much, but its crazy that people I don't know are finding this little blog and reading from all over the country.  

Have an amazing weekend....hello spring?

Back to Basics #2: Doubling or stacking coupons

March 13, 2011

Welcome back!  Last time I covered where to find coupons, now its time to cover stacking coupons.  This means using a store coupon AND a manufacturer coupon for one item.  Many stores allow this and it is a great way to get products super cheap, if not free.  This concept was a bit confusing for me at first, so I thought I should show some examples of the two types of coupons.  The best places to stack coupons are drugstores and larger stores like Target or Walmart.  Most couponing forums will post any great deals out there.  Since I am a visual learner, here are my examples for you!

  • Target Coupons.  My favorite!  Probably because I could spend hours in that store.  You can also get Target coupons through the mail, but they are very hit or miss with their mailing lists.  Either you randomly get them or not.  Through the Target website you can print regular coupons and ones like this example.  Unfortunately you cannot tell what type they are before printing.  This is an example of a store coupon, since it states Target Web Coupon on the top.  If you had a Caress coupon you could combine the two at checkout.  NOTE: Always read the fine print for sizes/quantities or any other restrictions with store coupons.

  • Drugstore Coupons.  I am not a huge shopper at drugstores, simply because I find their prices too high and I usually only have time to shop at 1 or 2 stores.  They have great sales and deals with coupons though!  I will go out of my way for the great diaper deals or something else that really catches my eye.  Here is an example of a Walgreens coupon.  RiteAid and CVS also offer store coupons, but I couldn't find any examples. 
  • Babies R' Us.  These come in mailers or you can print them off online.  Although there aren't a ton of store coupons to stack, I always keep them in my coupon organizer.
  •  Some tricky manufacturer coupons.  Although it states "use at a Supercenter near you", in most cases you don't have to use it at Walmart.  Target has some that aren't store coupons, yet they have the Target logo on them.  MOST stores will take them, as long as they say "manufacturer" at the top.  I have had issues in the past at Meijer though.  If a cashier questions the coupon, be nice an point out that it isn't a store coupon. 

As always, send any questions to:!

Next up: how to get stuff for free!

Back to Basics #1: Where to find coupons

March 12, 2011

Since it is about my one-year anniversary of blogging (yay!) and grocery prices are getting ridiculous, I thought I would revisit some coupon basics for any newbies out there.  Plus, there have been so many changes in the past year with more mobile coupons and Facebook "likes" that I have some new additions.  I am planning on making this a 4-5 part series to span the next few days.  I apologize if this is "old news" to some.  You never know when you might learn something new though!

Where to find coupons
  1. Sunday paper.  Most Dollar Tree stores sell Sunday papers for $1.  For some reason, this isn't the case in the Grand Rapids area.  I was a very sad lady when I found this out after the move.
    • I get anywhere from 3-6 papers a week, depending on the coupons.  I usually recommend the number of people in your household.  Why so many?  Great for stockpiling and getting freebies with sales
  2. Online.  I set my printer to do "print preview" so I can see what is being printed and it helps to save ink if you stop after the coupon is printed (a lot of coupons have large, ink absorbing images after the coupon).  Here are my favorite sites to find coupons: 
    • This is the main source to get Target coupons, as well as manufacturer.  I'll explain the significance of store coupons later.
    • Facebook.  I can't think of a brand which isn't on Facebook now.  If you "like" the brand, there are usually great coupons available.  I am still not sure if I like the way brands are taking over my favorite social network, but I can't complain about the coupons.  Tip: un "like" after you print the coupon to avoid annoying updates.
  3. Mail.  Pretty much every brand has a mailing list.  I am a geek who LOVES mail, so I sign up for everything that I love.  Here are some great mailers to be on:
    • Vocalpoint  They have "try-and-tells" which they send out free and high value coupons every month or so.  
    • P&G Brand Saver.  They dont have printable coupons available for any of their brands, so they mail out brand savers, which you sign up for the samples/coupons you want.  They also have a big coupon booklet the first Sunday of each month in the paper. 
    • Kraft First Taste.  I love this because you get samples & coupons for new craft products.

That is all for now!  Next time: How to double up coupons for bigger savings.

As always, send any questions my way at : or comment on this post!  If you are new here, don't forget to sign up for emails!

Get out your phones for a cause: share your breakfast

March 10, 2011

I am sure you will hear about this cause from many sources, but I love this so much I had to tell you about it as well.  For each photo uploaded (through the website or texts), Kelloggs will donate the monetary equivalent of school breakfasts to Action for Healthy Kids.   This program focuses on childhood obesity and undernourishment.  It is crazy to me when I hear parents complaining about their children not eating fruits and veggies, but it is the norm in this country.  I am lucky to have good eaters.  I would love to do all I can to help this cause by spreading the word!  Here is how you can help:

  1. Text your photo with the word "Share" to 21534
  2. Upload your photo at the main website :
  3. Tweet the word with #shareURbreakfast  (while you are on Twitter, make sure you follow me!)
Spread the word, please!

Vote for me!

March 09, 2011

Just in case that pretty photo doesnt work, here is a direct link: CLICK HERE

In a perfect world, I could fund this blog by myself and do everything that I would want to do with my words.  I feel this grant would be a perfect opportunity to get me on my feet in the blog world.  Among many things, I am planning on using the money for getting a URL and advertising myself.  It is very exciting!  Although I know my chances of winning are slim to none, I will remain optimistic.  I would LOVE any votes!! 

Thank you all!
