Being Cheap is Easy: Bookworms!


June 10, 2010

Ever since I discovered Half Price Books years ago, I have been obsessed.  I am very sad that there will not be one in Michigan when we move, I will go through withdrawal!  If you don't have one around you, I'm sure there are other options.  In Madison we also have Frugal Muse, which I also love.  I am obsessed with magazines and I subscribe to at least 10 different ones, mostly because I find free subscriptions online.  Once I'm done with them, I can hand them in at Half Price, along with books I have read for money.  Each trip I get at least $10 back, which I usually just spend right away there.  They have DVDs and an amazing cookbook selection, as well as their Bargain corner which I get most books for $1.  Also, their children's section is pretty large and wayy cheaper than regular bookstores.  Now that I'm home so much I finally have time to read again (when the girls let me, that is!).  Sign up for their email list and they send coupons and let you know about certain specials they have.  Right now they have a summer reading program for kids 14 and under which you can get a $3 gift card each week for reading 15 minutes (or like us, we read to the girls).  

If you have not been, you should really check it out!  


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