Being Cheap is Easy: Diaper studies! {update, no longer available}

Diaper studies! {update, no longer available}

April 25, 2011

 This company no longer does diaper studies.  I am soo sad!

Hello!  I know this may not be relevant to everyone, but I know you have to know someone with kids in diapers.  There is a company called Arquest which wants you to sample diapers.  I have done this study 2-3 times and I just love the free diapers!  Depending on the size of your little one(s), they send 20-120 diapers for you to test and in the end of the study you get $10 as well.  As expensive as diapers are, this is so worth it!  Last time I did this study, I got Huggies, but the brand will vary and you may not even know what brand you are testing.

Interested?  Here's the info:
  • If you have girls, call: 1-888-342-7372 ext. 646 (there is usually this sweet southern woman you talk to)
  • If you have boys, call: 1-888-342-7372 ext. 634
  • They may have openings now, but if not they will put you on a list and you will be contacted as soon as you are needed.
  • You can always leave a message, but they run on normal business hours, central time

If you are interested in taking surveys, check out my post on the topic!


Lauren Weber said...

I totally just called about this and left a message for the sweet southern lady. Sounds awesome! Thanks for the heads up!

Unknown said...

So funny, I just called....maybe she was on the phone with me! I got in a study, so hopefully you will have luck! They always need smaller sizes.

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