- Target Coupons. My favorite! Probably because I could spend hours in that store. You can also get Target coupons through the mail, but they are very hit or miss with their mailing lists. Either you randomly get them or not. Through the Target website you can print regular coupons and ones like this example. Unfortunately you cannot tell what type they are before printing. This is an example of a store coupon, since it states Target Web Coupon on the top. If you had a Caress coupon you could combine the two at checkout. NOTE: Always read the fine print for sizes/quantities or any other restrictions with store coupons.
- Drugstore Coupons. I am not a huge shopper at drugstores, simply because I find their prices too high and I usually only have time to shop at 1 or 2 stores. They have great sales and deals with coupons though! I will go out of my way for the great diaper deals or something else that really catches my eye. Here is an example of a Walgreens coupon. RiteAid and CVS also offer store coupons, but I couldn't find any examples.
- Babies R' Us. These come in mailers or you can print them off online. Although there aren't a ton of store coupons to stack, I always keep them in my coupon organizer.
- Some tricky manufacturer coupons. Although it states "use at a Supercenter near you", in most cases you don't have to use it at Walmart. Target has some that aren't store coupons, yet they have the Target logo on them. MOST stores will take them, as long as they say "manufacturer" at the top. I have had issues in the past at Meijer though. If a cashier questions the coupon, be nice an point out that it isn't a store coupon.
As always, send any questions to: beingcheapiseasy@gmail.com!
Next up: how to get stuff for free!
No coupon stacking in Canada..... BOO!!!!!!
Oh man! That's not fair! :) We don't have doubling here, but we can stack.
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