Being Cheap is Easy: Christmas shopping alert: Younkers deals!

Christmas shopping alert: Younkers deals!

November 13, 2012

I just happened to see a few great coupons for Younkers (aka Boston Store or Carsons) today!  Starting tomorrow (11/14), they have $50 off your purchase of $100 or more for Wednesday and Thursday!  There are some exclusions, as always, but I'm sure you can find some great deals.  Also, if there is a big ticket item you are looking to buy, this would be a great way to do so...think kitchen appliances, etc.

What a great way to get some Christmas shopping started, especially for some clothes!  The girls need some pajamas and leggings.

I also noticed you can get a quick $5 off coupon for signing up on their email list! I got my coupon minutes after signing up.  The $50 off coupon isn't on their website, but I'm assuming tomorrow it will be on there, since they have a different sale for today.  Notice how you can send the coupon to your phone, instead of printing it off.  Love that option!

Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?  I starting to get myself organized.  We are saving our Meijer gift cards from baby food testing for some black Friday shopping. 

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