Being Cheap is Easy: Budget Friendly Summer Entertaining Tips #TweetFromTheSeat

Budget Friendly Summer Entertaining Tips #TweetFromTheSeat

June 29, 2015

Disclaimer: I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Charmin. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for my participation. All content and thoughts are my own. #TweetFromTheSeat
#TweetFromTheSeat, #IC, Charmin, Budget Party, Budget Shopping, Summer Entertaining

Isn't summer entertaining the best? It's much more carefree and laid-back!  That being said, there are some things that can still stress you out during a party: making the food, buying groceries, cleaning, etc.  The last thing you want to worry about is an embarrassing clogged toilet.  Did you know that Charmin is septic safe? They've got your behind covered! (Pun intended!)

#TweetFromTheSeat, #IC, Charmin, Budget Party, Budget Shopping, Summer Entertaining
Check out my newest video for some Charmin toilet paper tips and tricks...especially if you have little ones who fly through toilet paper!  You can also find out more TP info on the Charmin Facebook page.

Outside of the bathroom, there are many ways to keep your party on budget, believe it or not!  I like to follow the "Keep It Simple" mentality.

Keep the Menu Small. This is the hardest part for me since I love to cook.  But remember: people are there to have fun and chat with YOU, they don't need a table full of food! Since it's grilling season, stick with 2-3 sides, including a salad and 1-2 grilled items. That's it! I recently posted this Chicken Fajita Kabob recipe that would be perfect for the 4th of July!   Since this is prime farmer's market season, fill your menu with less expensive fruits and veggies to let the meat be almost a side. Themes are always fun too: think Fiesta Grill with margaritas and guacamole.

Organize Dishes To Pass. Keep your menu organized, so when someone asks to bring something, you can tell them exactly what you might need.  Don't be vague, either!  This ensures you don't have 5 bags of chips and no dessert!  I like to tell guests to bring a 6-pack or bottle of wine instead of food--it's easier to be short on booze than food!
#TweetFromTheSeat, #IC, Charmin, Budget Party, Budget Shopping, Summer Entertaining

Signature Drinks.  I think it's fun to have 2-3 drinks on hand rather than a full stocked bar.  If you get cute spouted containers or pitchers, you can make drinks ahead of time.  No one wants to be mixing drinks all night, especially as a host.  Be sure to have water and/or ice tea available too. Always get more ice than you think you'll need.  Another fun idea is to have everyone bring their favorite craft beer to mix and match.

Simple Decor. Dollar Tree is my secret BFF.  Browse the aisles and you'll be shocked at what you can find: stemless wine glasses, fun seasonal decor and more....for $1.  Can't go wrong! Consider stocking up on a set of 8-10 nicer plastic glasses for your summer entertaining season instead of buying disposable ones.

What budget entertaining tips do you have for ME? 

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