Being Cheap is Easy: Check out August All You Magazine + Pact App Review!

Check out August All You Magazine + Pact App Review!

August 14, 2014

If you follow me on social media, I apologize for talking about this again!  This month, I'm in All You Magazine with a review of a new(er) fitness app: Pact.  Since I love it so much, I thought I would share more details about the app and how it has been helping me stay motivated.  I am not compensated for this review at all.

I turned 30 this past January and I am really trying to live a healthier life.  The thing is, I love to cook and I actually like to eat healthy foods--but I tend to have a hard time losing weight.  (I swear I have a thyroid issue!) Being active is pretty easy with 3 little ones, but I have been trying to get better workouts in.   I've worn a FitBit for over a year now and I love how it keeps me in check with my steps and calorie burn.

When All You was looking for people to test out a fitness app, I was all ears! I love the idea of a FREE app to help motivate me.  Last year, I tried Weight Watchers, but it was hard to fit the expense into our budget.  After a few months, I decided to switch to simply using MyFitnessPal (MFP), a FREE app which you log in your food and activity daily.  I love it because you can scan items with barcodes and it will enter the nutritional information for you.  As much as MFP was working, I missed the motivation from the weekly weigh-ins at Weight Watchers.

In the month of April, I used the Pact app and wrote a daily journal for the magazine.  Here's how it works: each week you make a "pact" for yourself.  You state how many workouts you will do, how many days you will log your food in MFP and how many fruits/veggies you will eat.  Sounds simple enough, right?  Well, if you make your Pact, you get money- woohoo!  If you don't follow your Pact, you PAY money- booo!

How do they know if you are following your Pact? It's all in the app!
  • For workouts: any 30+ minute workout is counted. You can only count one per day!
    • When I go to the Y, I can log into the app and it uses the location tracker to see what gym I'm at. You have to be on location and moving for 30+ minutes for it to track.  Don't even try to leave! I forgot my headphones in the van once and it told me the workout would be counted unless I am at the gym. 
    • Motion tracker: you can wear your phone/ipod on your arm and do a home/outdoor working.  I love using this when I'm running around with the girls or walking to the library.
    • Steps. Use your FitBit or other approved device to sync with the app.  Once you get over 10, 000 steps, it can be counted for the day.
  • Food Tracking: you have to use MyFitnessPal to track 3 or more meals per day (snacks can be counted) and over 1200 calories.  
  • Fruits/Veggies: every time you eat a fruit or veggie, you snap a photo of it and members of the Pact community vote on whether it counts as a serving.  It's a simple thumbs up, thumbs down system.  The food has look like it's being eaten.  For example, when I'm eating a banana, I snap a pic after I've taken a bite out.
How do you get paid? 
Pacts end on Sunday, and payments usually go through by Wednesday.  All of the money of people who DON'T make their Pact goes into a pool and is distributed to the people who DO make their Pact, so the money can vary each week.  Also, the amount paid is based on how many Pacts you make.  IE: if you do 3 workouts you'll get paid less than 5 workouts.

I will admit, the first week it took a bit of time to get used to using the app.  I had to remember to take photos of my fruits/veggies and log in on MFP.  Sometimes I'll forget to sign in at the gym, too.  I recommend keeping your Pact low the first week or two to get adjusted, especially if you didn't use MyFitnessPal beforehand.  I slowly have started adding recipes I frequently make to save time.  On the actual MyFitnessPal website, you can add recipes MUCH faster!

I've been using Pact non-stop since April and I truly love it.  It has been the motivation I needed to get back on track with my workouts and eating.  I have made over $60 and I've only had to pay once.  You can set vacations if you know you'll be too busy to track. 

Do you use MyFitnessPal? Add me as a friend! 
 (ashleigh.hofffman at gmail dot com)


marsam said...

Just downloaded it, thanks for the idea!

Unknown said...

YAY! Let me know if you have any questions!! Are you using the iPhone or Android? I've tried both and there are some differences!

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