Being Cheap is Easy: Fight Off the Flu with Bigelow Tea {Strawberry-Mint Iced Green Tea Recipe!} #AmericasTea

Fight Off the Flu with Bigelow Tea {Strawberry-Mint Iced Green Tea Recipe!} #AmericasTea

October 06, 2014

Disclosure: This shop has been compensated by #CollectiveBias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.

Bigelow Tea, #AmericasTea, Strawberry Green Tea, Lemon Ginger Tea

Here in Michigan the weather has been hot, then cold, then cool, then hot again.  I have to constantly look at my weather app to know how to dress the girls appropriately in the morning--and usually by the time we walk home, they are peeling off layers.  Ahh, the joys of living in the Midwest!  I'm ready for fall to come and stay, no snow yet please!

From all of this change, the first round of sniffles are looming over our house.  Right now I feel like a truck hit me: I have chills, no appetite and I'm exhausted.  Eeek!  To fight of this cold, I've been drinking tea like it's my job.  I love Bigelow Tea because it comes in a variety of tasty flavors and I can drink it hot or cold.  Green tea gives me a little kick of caffeine that I need, plus antioxidants (the mint variety is my favorite!) and the Lemon Ginger probiotic tea soothes my sore throat.  I like to prepare my tea hot and cold, depending on my temperature and about once an hour.  Local honey is a great addition to tea.. At farmer's markets, you can usually pick up honey sticks in different flavors which are perfect for adding to tea!

Did you know Bigelow Tea's Charleston tea garden is the largest in America?  They have been making tea since 1945, so I think they know a thing or two about creating flavorful, amazing tea.  I like to support American companies whenever I can! You can keep up with them on Facebook and Twitter.  If you happen to be in the Charleston area, you can tour the tea garden for a great taste of Southern tradition.  Someone I know even attended a wedding there!

Being Cheap is Easy, Bigelow Tea, Walmart, Flu, Colds, Tea
Yesterday, got up bright and early to head over to Walmart to restock my tea collection (yes, I wore my yoga pants...I totally ignored Ricky's eye roll).  I am determined to kick this flu in the butt before it takes over my body! Staying hydrated is key!  I picked up my favorites: green mint and lemon ginger.  The Vanilla Chai k-cups are a huge hit in this house too, especially in the fall.

When you're under the weather, it's super important to stay hydrated--but sometimes hot tea doesn't sound appealing.  A pitcher of strawberry mint iced green tea can be made up in the morning and sipped on over ice all day long.  The mint adds a pop of flavor, the green tea has caffeine and antioxidants and the strawberries give you a boost of Vitamin C! Basically, it's a flu fighting formula!

Here's what you'll need:
  • 1 cup fresh strawberries, cleaned
  • 1 tablespoon of honey, raw works best
  • 1 cup filtered water
  • Brewed Bigelow Mint Green Tea
  • 1-2 mint leaves per glass
    • Did you know you can awaken mint by clapping your hands around it? Just put it in your hand and clap!
  1. In a small saucepan, add strawberries, honey and water.  Over low heat, bring to a bubble for 10-15 minutes.  Add more honey to taste.  
  2. Allow to cool, then blend until the mixture is a puree.  I store this in a jar for my iced tea for the week!  
  •  For a glass: pour brewed green mint tea over ice.  Add 2 tablespoons of strawberry mixture and stir.  Add a mint.  If too bitter for your liking, add more honey and lemon
  • To make a pitcher: add 1/2 cup strawberry mixture with brewed Bigelow Mint Green Tea. Add more berries or honey to taste.  Lemon is nice to squeeze in there, too!
Bigelow Tea, Walmart, Tea, Flu, Keeping Healthy

Probiotics are very important for keeping you healthy, inside to out--Bigelow Lemon Ginger this tea is a great way to stay healthy all through the season! When you're feeling under the weather, ginger keeps your stomach settled and the hot tea soothes your throat.

Bigelow Tea, ginger, lemon, keeping healthy
So: are you ready to fight off this flu season?  What's your special trick?


Unknown said...

I love your tea combination and all the benefits of Bigelow Tea. #client

Pamela @ Brooklyn Farm Girl said...

Tea is the love of my life (sorry husband). Your recipe is a must try, it's going on tea list!

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