Being Cheap is Easy: Quick Tip: Look for coupons in products!

Quick Tip: Look for coupons in products!

July 20, 2012

This was a great deal because it was on sale, I had a coupon and I got $2 off the yogurt I was already buying!

Whenever you are buying a product, do you check the other boxes to see if there are coupons on or inside?  Usually I move a few boxes to make sure there aren't any with special markings. It's a simple step, but you can end up saving more money!

Currently, we have a bunch of cereal boxes and granola bars that state "$5 breakfast savings inside" and there are great coupons.   The perk to getting these is they are usually better than ones you can find in the Sunday paper.  Plus, they usually have much later expiration dates.

At Target, I always check peelies.  If they are "Target" coupons, you can double them up with manufacturer coupons.

Make sure you aren't buying a larger size or spending more money just to get the extra coupons though! 

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