Being Cheap is Easy: Quick update: calling all bargain shoppers!

Quick update: calling all bargain shoppers!

August 25, 2011

This summer has been crazy, to say the least. Here's what I have on my plate right now:
  • Buying a house- our offer was just accepted and we should be moving in a month! eek!
  • New baby- Gabby is doing SO well...she is growing super fast
  • Planning a wedding- we set a date 5/5/12, which is the 7 year anniversary of our first official date
  • potty training 2 year old twins- Maddie is doing very well...Olivia, not so much. hehe.
It's amazing I have time to write any blogs lately! I am loving every minute of the chaos, though. Well, not every poopy mess in the potty chair, but you get what I mean.

Now here is where I would love some help! I know how to save when it comes to shopping for groceries and clothes, but I would love some tips on decorating a house and planning a wedding! I have tons of books from the library, but I love personal advice from people who have gone through it themselves!

What is your best advice for planning a wedding on a budget? How did you decorate your house without going crazy?

Thanks in advance!


Anonymous said...

Ugh, budget wedding stuff is soooo hard, at least I thought. The advice I give everyone is set your priorities from day 1 - and figure out from there where you can shave off things here and there. My friend just had a carnival-themed wedding outside on a budget and it was adorable...but she's crafty and made a ton of stuff herself. AVOID flowers if you can - those are a major expense that can easily be cut (besides your bouquet if you choose that route) I'll try to dig for blogs and send you links if I see anything good :)

Budget house stuff...I am a HUGE fan of repurposing things from Craigslist,, garage sales and the store Home Goods (clearance racks!). Don't feel like you need to do it all at once. Take it one room at a time.

Such an exciting year ahead for you! YAY!!!! xoxox

Jenny said...

For weddings...Figure out what you want to spend money on, what you can leave out, and what you can do yourself. Give yourself a budget and stick to it. You can figure it out. Keeping guests down helps because you can get more bang for your buck and have a really pretty wedding. For wedding dresses if you have a dream wedding dress but can't afford talk to shops about samples sales and whether they would be willing to sell you their sample.
Just a few ideas. I used to work in the wedding industry.

So exciting!!! Congrats on the new house too...wish I was moving :)

Unknown said...

I feel the bargain wedding stuff is hard too! I'm reading these books and I don't really like any of the cheap ideas they have given. I have my hands full, I feel. I would love any links you are so awesome! I'm searching too (...realizing just how many CRAZY blogs there are out there!).

I wish we had a Home Goods over here...I've heard nothing but good stuff about them! I am addicted to Craigslist right now though. I can't wait to move!

Unknown said...

Thank you Jenny!! I really need to sit down and make a list with Ricky and figure out what we want. The guest list is so hard because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings...yet we need to be realistic! I want a Cinco de Mayo wedding that isn't cheesy. Lol, it's gonna be hard!

I really didn't think we would be moving so soon, it just happened to work out for us! This market is amazing around here!

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