Being Cheap is Easy: How to save money without double coupons: step 3

How to save money without double coupons: step 3

November 28, 2011

The past two days I have been giving tips as to how to save money when you can't have double coupons.  Today is my last batch of advice.  I hope you are learning something!  Even if you have doubles, this is a great refresher on how to save extra money!  Everyone can use some cash around this time of year.

  • Stockpile when you can.  This doesn't mean go Extreme Couponing and get 715 toothbrushes, but get what you can use if you have the coupons.  I stock up on toiletries and household items when a great coupon comes out.  I have enough toothpaste and fabric softener for at least a year!  All for free, cannot beat that!  
    • Best advice: be realistic as to what you can use and the shelf life of the product.
    • Most people are confused how to find the great deals.  There are tons of savings websites out there, but I cannot say enough about  I have found out about so many great deals earlier than other websites.  
  •  Use both store and manufacturer coupons.  If you are unsure as to how this is done, here's a previous post of mine.  You can get a lot of cheap or free items by combining the two types of coupons.  
    • Meijer has both Mealbox coupons and Mperks.  You can use both with manufacturer coupons, but not the two together.  Why do they make it so confusing!?  I wish they would make Mealbox coupons digital, it would make everything a breeze!
    • If you see any coupons in a store ad, make sure to keep them and even grab extras when you go to the store.  
  • Find a local blog which gives you coupon match-ups.  They do all of the dirty work for you!  My favorite for this area is Saving Addiction.  
What is your best money-saving tip?  Are you one of the lucky ones in a doubling area?  You might be and not even know it! 

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