Being Cheap is Easy: We have a new addition!

We have a new addition!

July 05, 2011

Born 6/20
On June 20th we welcomed our new addition, Gabriella Reese!  I woke up that morning pretty much knowing that it was baby time.  My contractions felt different than before.  By the time we headed to the hospital, it was around 1:00.  After monitoring me for a while, I was barely dilated and the nurse made us walk around the hospital wing for an hour.  At that point my contractions were really bad, but the nurse wouldn't listen to me.  She sent me home with a prescription for Ambien and told me to sleep and go to my doctors appointment on Friday (4 days away!).  By the time we made it back home, my contractions were about 5 minutes apart, yet the nurse told us to wait for 90 second contractions.  I knew that I was still in labor and I started to get scared that we wouldn't make it back to the hospital.  Long story short, we left our apartment around 6:30 and she was born (barely!) at the hospital at 7:04.  The whole car ride, poor Ricky was telling me not to push and I tried to explain I can't stop! 

If this experience has taught me anything it is to trust your instincts and have faith in yourself.  Before this, I said I would never give birth naturally and I thought people were crazy for doing so.  Since I had no time for an epidural or anything, this ended up being all natural.  Yes, it was crazy painful, but I am very proud that I was able to remain calm and get through the experience.  Now, two weeks later, I barely remember the pain!  We have a beautiful addition to our family and the twins are finally adjusting to their new sister.  The only thing I regret was not standing up for myself more.  Although I tried to explain to the nurse that I knew I was in labor, she really wouldn't have listened anyways.  It could have been a scary situation though! I am so grateful that everyone is safe and healthy!

With all of the chaos around here, I probably won't be writing as many blog posts.  I always check (and love!) emails, so feel free to ask me anything.  Lately I have been feeling that other people have my job covered, so the future of the blog is kind of in question right now.  I will keep you updated on my status!  Im always on Twitter too!

Long day, but so worth it!  She is so snuggly!

Her sisters were waiting when we got home.  They LOVE her!


Mrs. Weber said...

I absolutely agree - go with your instincts! I cannot believe the nurse said to come back when you had 90 second apart contractions. WHHHHAAAT? Were there no birthing rooms? Especially strange since you're not a first-timer. Just glad you got to the hospital safely. And she is absolutely beautiful. Congrats! And I hope you keep blogging, even if it's sporadic, you always have great info in your posts!

Unknown said...

Sorry I'm just responding! There were plenty of birthing rooms open, it was just ridiculous! I really wanted to say something to that nurse later...I guess I'm glad I didn't see her again! I will start blogging again soon once I get the crazy twosome potty trained and back on track. Thank you for the motivation!

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