I must admit, this winter I have been in kind of a cooking rut. As much as I love cooking, I get so tired of thinking of what to make for dinner. One thing that helps me find dinner ideas is my cooking binder. I started this in 2007 and I take any recipe I see that sounds appetizing and put it inside with page protectors. This past year I had to move to a larger binder and it is still almost full. Its fun to remember recipes this way and you can just take out the page protector when you want to use it. I also write anything I may have changed or added to the recipe with either a post-it or right in the margins of the recipe.
The best way to use a binder is to get dividers and keep it organized. A binder with pockets on the side is nice too. When I dont have time to categorize a recipe, I just put it in the pocket for a later time. Here are the dividers I use, obviously use what is most convenient for you.
- Chicken
- Beef
- Sweets/Dessert/Holiday Treats
- Seafood
- Vegetarian/Sides
- Soups
- Pasta
Where do I find recipes? Everywhere! Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Before you recycle your magazines, cut out any recipes you might want to try. If I try a recipe and we dont like it, I throw it away. Its pointless to keep a gross recipe!
- I am a Food Network junkie. Whenever I see a show with a recipe I want to try, I go to the website and print it. This is usually where I end up writing any additions/subtractions to the recipe in the margins. If I dont have time to print it, I add it to my bookmarks until I want to use it.
- Allrecipes.com, Epicurious.com or any cooking website.
- Sunday inserts. Sometimes our Parade magazine or even the coupon inserts have great sounding ideas.
- From others! If you go try something you like, ask them for the recipe!
- I just started collecting holiday recipes a few years ago and now when its time to make cookies at Christmas time, we have a huge selection.
Enjoy the snow!
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