Being Cheap is Easy: #BirthdaySmiles with Hallmark!

#BirthdaySmiles with Hallmark!

December 18, 2013

 The holiday season gets crazy...then in my family we go straight into birthday season.  From December 31st- mid February I have 17 birthdays for friends and family.  17!  That is nutso!  Even better, 4 out of the 5 members in this house have birthdays within a 2.5 week time span. Gabby is a lucky lady to have a summer birthday!

My sister is turning 16 on December 31st...I cannot believe it.  Right now, I don't think she's too happy about celebrating her birthday with New Year's Eve, but I think that she'll enjoy it in the future.  Everyone will want to celebrate on her big day. Yes or No? (Nicole! I know you have the same in NYC no less.  Does it get better?)

I do know that celebrating close to the holidays kinda sucks, since my birthday is January 16th.  Here are some tips to make holiday season birthdays a bit more special:

1. Don't try to do the one gift for two holidays.  Yes, my blog is called Being Cheap is Easy, but that's plain rude.  Now, if it's a nice BIG gift...that's different.
2. Focus on the person who is having the birthday.  If possible, avoid talking about Christmas or other holiday plans...unless the birthday girl/boy brings it up.
3. Avoid holiday colored decorations at the party. This also includes extra holiday one wants those 2 week old cookies!

#shop #cbias
So many Hallmark options at Walmart!

For 2014, one of my goals is to do a better job at keeping in touch with people.  I thought I would start off by sending cards for birthdays.  It's a simple way to say you're thinking of someone.  I am always drawn to Hallmark cards because they have so many options.  There are budget, musical, funny, sentimental...whatever you might be feeling.  At Walmart, they had 3 aisles of cards!  I spent 20 minutes browsing, trying to not seem super creepy when I was cracking up.  I found so many great cards, except a perfect Sweet 16 one for my sister.  There were TWO 16 sad!

I did find a few perfect cards.  Not sure who this one is for yet, but it was simple, yet funny.
Walmart #shop #cbias

The minute I saw this one, I knew that I had to get it.  I call my girls "little monsters" all of the time and there just happens to be 3 on this card! 
#Shop #Cbias

For more ideas, check out the Live SoFab Holiday Digital Magazine.

What kind of card are you drawn to?  Funny and Inappropriate or Sappy and Meaningful?

I thought I would end with a little giggle....

1 comment:

The Mommy-Files said...

I love the Giraffe card! I also enjoy shopping for Hallmark cards at our local Walmart. In fact, I need to head there soon to stock up on birthday cards for the upcoming year. Thanks so much for sharing.


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