Here are a few more tips for using the coupons:
- Use the coupons with a sale or a Buy 1, Get 1 (aka BOGO) deal. This week my grocery store has Snuggle fabric softener for $3.00 and there is a $3 off coupon that was in last weeks paper. Since that would make it FREE, its a great deal.
- Since I have been using coupons for so long, I have set price points I use for products. With coupons, you should never have to pay more than 50 cents for items like toothpaste, shampoo/conditioner, etc. Obviously this varies by regional stores and sales, but using coupons really cuts back on household expenses. Also, you can get great deals on cleaning supplies.
- You can pair a BOGO sale with a BOGO coupon for 2 FREE items! Here is an example: Walgreens has Cover Girl makeup BOGO 1-2 times a month, and there are always BOGO coupons in the Sunday papers. I usually pair those together and get 2 free face powders or eye shadows.
- Another way to use these coupons is to use 2 coupons. This is where some people can get confused. Examples are the best to explain. Olay had a coupon for BOGO Quench lotion with a $3 off coupon attached underneath. At Target the lotion was $4.97. You can use the BOGO coupon for $4.97 off, plus the $3.00 off coupon because you are buying one item. So for $1.97 you have 2 lotions.
Ok, enough for now. Most of this is pretty much common knowledge, but I hope you learned at least something new!